Pepper the Airedale Terrier

Pepper is usually a well-behaved and obedient dog, that is until a squirrel enters the picture. With the help of Pepper’s AKC Reunite collar tag, Pepper’s squirrel chasing adventure ended in no time!

“My boyfriend, Sterling, was walking with Pepper in the woods near our apartment,” said Kaitlyn, Pepper’s owner. “He had let him off the leash because Pepper has been really good about staying on the trail with us before, and it’s a safe area with no major roads nearby.”

Unfortunately, after Pepper’s leash was a removed, some squirrels came too close to Pepper and he took off down the hill in pursuit!

“I was at home when Sterling called me and told me that Pepper was out of his sight,” said Kaitlyn. I immediately got into my car and started driving around to the back side of the wooded area, while Sterling ran over 2 miles around the woods looking for him.”

Thankfully, Pepper only wandered a quarter of a mile into a neighborhood, and being the friendly dog that he is, ran over to a family in their yard. They were able to leash Pepper and dial the AKC Reunite phone number on his collar tag. Less than 20 minutes after his squirrel chasing escapade, Kaitlyn was contacted with the good news!

“AKC Reunite called my phone and gave me contact information for the person who had found Pepper,” said Kaitlyn. “If it weren’t for that, we would not have been able to find him. I am forever grateful for those wonderful people, and for AKC Reunite.”

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Arlo the Escape Artist

February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

REUNITED: In a few hours

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Koda’s Chip Reunion!

February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

REUNITED: In a few minutes

One afternoon, Koda the Australian Shepherd decided to explore beyond his boundaries, but thanks to his microchip enrolled with AKC Reunite, Koda could be safely reunited!

Valentine’s Day Reunion!

February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

REUNITED: In a few minutes

On the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, Nala the Shiba Inu’s owner received a surprising phone call — Nala had been found! Her owner Kathy, didn’t even know Nala was missing! Thankfully, they were reunited the same day!